Revision Techniques1
Effective revision techniques can make all the difference when preparing for exams. Here’s a guide to some of the most popular and effective revision strategies that can help you retain information better, understand complex and boost your results.
1. Highlighting: Focus on Key Points
- Why? Highlighting helps to draw attention to important information, making it easier to review key concepts later.
- How?
- Use different colours to highlight different types of information (e.g., one colour for definitions, another for examples, etc.).
- Don’t overdo it! Highlight only the most important facts or concepts to avoid overwhelming yourself with colour.
- Tip: Highlight after reading the material to ensure you fully understand it first.
2. Making Notes: Summarising Information
- Why? Writing your notes helps reinforce the information in your memory and allows you to make sense of complex ideas.
- How?
- Summarise key points in your own words rather than copying verbatim from textbooks.
- Use bullet points for clarity and to keep things concise.
- Create a structure: Break your notes into sections such as definitions, examples, and key points to make it easier to review.
- Tip: Make sure your notes are organised—use headings, subheadings, and numbering for easy reference.
3. Flashcards: Quick Recall and Active Learning
- Why? Flashcards are excellent for testing your knowledge and improving recall, especially when you need to remember facts, definitions, or equations.
- How?
- Write a question or concept on one side and the answer or explanation on the other side.
- Use spaced repetition: Review your flashcards at increasing intervals. The more you review, the more likely you are to retain the information.
- You can also use apps like Get revising or Quizlet to create digital flashcards and track your progress.
- Tip: Test yourself actively, rather than just reading the cards. Or even better get someone else to test you. This helps reinforce memory.
4. Mind Maps: Visualising Connections
- Why? Mind maps help you organise and visualise information, making it easier to understand relationships between topics.
- How?
- Start with a central idea or concept in the middle of the page, then branch out to related sub-topics and details.
- Use colours, arrows, and images to help make connections and reinforce understanding.
- Tip: Keep mind maps simple and focused. Too much detail can make them harder to follow.
5. Dual Coding: Combining Visuals and Text
- Why? Dual coding combines text and visuals to improve understanding and memory. By combining words with images or diagrams, you create multiple pathways to recall information.
- How?
- Combine your notes with relevant images, charts, or diagrams. For example, create a flowchart to explain a process or use diagrams to illustrate scientific concepts.
- Tip: When studying, use both words and visuals to explain complex ideas. This will help you grasp difficult concepts more effectively.
Stay Active and Engaged
- It’s not just about using these techniques; it’s also about being actively engaged with the material. Revisit your notes regularly, test yourself, and stay focused during your study sessions.
By incorporating these revision techniques into your study routine, you’ll boost your chances of success and retain information more effectively.