Catering Service
The School's in-house Catering Service provides an extensive range of healthy, nutritious snacks, sandwiches, drinks and hot meals which can be purchased before school, and during morning break and lunchtime. Pupils may also bring their own packed lunches. Vending machines, selling a range of healthy drinks, fruit salads, baguettes, pasta salad and sandwiches, are available in the Hall for use before and after school and at break and lunchtime.
To improve the service we operate a biometric cashless system. This utilises a code generated from a fingerprint to identify each account. Parental permission will be sought during transition from Year 6 to Year 7 to allow the processing of your child's biometric data for use by the canteen system and library. Once permission has been given pupils will be registered on the system. The alternative method for students not wishing to use the biometric system is for a card to be issued. The first card is issued free of charge with any replacement being charged at £2.00 per card. The school cannot accept responsibility for any financial loss resulting from a lost card.
The school is a "cashless" site with all payments, including catering, being made using our on-line payments system. Please see the "On-line Payments" section in the Parents area.
Parents can set limits on certain spend items and bar certain products if they have allergy concerns.
Pupils are not allowed off site at break and only at lunchtime if they are in the Sixth Form or have parental permission to go home for lunch.
New Catering Prices - February 2024
For the latest menu please click the following link: