Examinations Officer - Samantha Turnock
Examinations Information
JCQ states the last day of the Summer 2025 Examination Season is 25th June 2025, which includes the contingency day should sustained national or local disruption arise during the June 2025 Examination series.
Therefore, students must remain available until 25 June 2025 should an awarding body need to invoke its contingency plan. There is also a contingency afternoon session, students must remain available for: 11th June 2025.
Information for Candidates - Written Examinations
Information for Candidates - Social Media
Information for Candidates - Privacy
Information for Candidates - Non-examination Assessments
Information for Candidates - On-screen Tests
Information for Candidates - Coursework
Reviews of Marking - Centre Assessed Marks
Reviews of Marking (Art and Design Only) - Centre Assessed Marks
Use of Calculators in Mock and External Exams
Key Dates for Examinations 2024-2025
Examinations Handbook 2023-2024
Examinations Timetable
Exam timetables published here are correct at time of publication but may be subject to change. Candidates should check the examinations noticeboard in the main corridor for the most up-to-date details.
Results Information