The South Wolds Academy and Sixth Form


Curriculum Intent

The South Wolds Academy & Sixth Form Curriculum aims to: 

  • Provide a curriculum which is broad and balanced, and provides our pupils with opportunities to gain essential knowledge, skills and understanding which will enable them to achieve or surpass their academic and social potential
  • Deliver a curriculum which is coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills to give our students the foundations to fulfil their ambitions
  • Equip our students to access further and higher education, and employment through our provision of a broad range of qualifications and wider learning opportunities, aimed to make all pupils feel like their particular strengths are catered for
  • Inspire, challenge, stretch and support students to achieve their potential 
  • Have high aspirations for all of our students
  • Give students the experiences and opportunities to develop as caring, healthy and informed young people in the 21st century 
  • Develop in students the resilience and flexibility to be able to adapt to the changing world they will meet
  • Foster an enjoyment of learning and a commitment to lifelong learning 
  • Promote learning in its broadest sense, across and beyond the taught curriculum 
  • Open students’ minds to the broad richness of our cultural heritages 

You will find a brief overview of the curriculum below.

For further information, please contact Miss  Shardlow, Deputy Headteacher email:

Year 7 Curriculum



 7 hours per fortnight


 8 hours per fortnight


 6 hours per fortnight


 3 hours per fortnight


 3 hours per fortnight


 3 hours per fortnight each             

 Students study 2 of French, Spanish & German

 Philosophy & Ethics

 2 hours per fortnight

 Physical Education

 4 hours per fortnight

 Art, Music & Drama

 2 hours per fortnight

 Design Technology &   Computer Science

 3 hours per fortnight

 Personal Development

 2 hours per fortnight


Year 8 Curriculum



 7 hours per fortnight


 8 hours per fortnight


 6 hours per fortnight


 4 hours per fortnight


 4 hours per fortnight


 3 hours per fortnight each             

 Students study French and Spanish

 Philosophy & Ethics

 2 hours per fortnight

 Physical Education

 4 hours per fortnight

 Art, Music & Drama

 5 hours per fortnight on a rotation throughout the   year

 Design Technology &   Computer Science

 3 hours per fortnight

 Personal Development

 2 hours per fortnight


Year 9 Curriculum



 7 hours per fortnight


 8 hours per fortnight


 6 hours per fortnight


 3 hours per fortnight


 3 hours per fortnight


 4 hours per fortnight each             

 Students study 2 of French, Spanish & German

 Philosophy & Ethics

 2 hours per fortnight

 Physical Education

 4 hours per fortnight

 Art, Music & Drama

 5 hours per fortnight on a rotation throughout the   year

 Design Technology &   Computer Science

 3 hours per fortnight


Year 10 & 11 Curriculum

Alongside a strong core of English Language and English Literature, mathematics and science, students can choose four other subjects they are passionate about. Guided by a ‘pathways process’, this ensures that each student is undertaking a programme of study with assessment arrangements that will allow them to best fulfil their potential.

Optional subjects offered for 2023/24 include GCSE qualifications in: Art, Business, Computer Science, Drama, French, Geography, German, Graphic Communication, History, Music, Philosophy & Ethics, Photography, Product Design, PE, Spanish,  Art Textiles and Food and Nutrition.

Students can opt for Triple Science where they will study Biology, Chemistry and Physics GCSEs

Students study Life Skills where they look at study skills, ethics and careers education.

In Year 10 students study 5 lessons of each option: 10 lessons of Science, 2 lessons of PE, 2 lessons of life skills, 7 lessons of maths and 9 lessons of English per fortnight.

In Year 11 students study 5 lessons of each option: 10 lessons of Science, 2 lessons of PE, 1 lesson of life skills, 7 lessons of maths and 10 lessons of English per fortnight.


Key Stage 3 Assessment

The South Wolds Academy Assessment and Feedback Policy 2022

For information on specific subjects, please click on the appropriate panel below.