The South Wolds Academy and Sixth Form


High attainment depends on good attendance.  Poor attendance can also be a threat to the safety of individual students.  We will always work in partnership with parents to help every child secure high levels of attendance.

The School Day:
8.50am Movement Bell
8.55 - 9.10am

Tutor time


Lesson 1


Lesson 2

11.10 - 11.30am


(11.25am) (Movement Bell)
11.30am Lesson 3
12.30pm Lesson 4
1.30pm - 2.15pm


(2.10pm) (Movement Bell)
2.15 - 3.20pm

Lesson 5

Arrival at School

Students should arrive at school in time to register at 8.50am via the Bishop’s Refectory Entrance. Student arriving after 8.55am will be marked as late, which results in a rapid response detention at lunch time; they should still enter school via Bishops Refectory. Students arriving after 9.10am should sign in at Student Reception.

Lateness to Lessons

Students arriving late to lessons, with no valid reason, will be marked as late and the number of minutes late recorded on the register. The Head of Year monitors each pupil and will implement a sanction to make up the time.

Planned Absence

Requests for absence from school for dental appointments, visits to hospital, etc. should be addressed to the Tutor or the Attendance and Family Liaison Officer, giving at least one clear day’s notice. 

Dentists and GP surgeries etc. are used to being asked for appointments outside of school hours. Please request appointments that do not clash with school time. If an appointment can only be made during school hours, evidence of the appointment is needed to authorise the appointment as medical. Students should attend for all periods immediately before and after the appointment, including morning registration.

Why is School Attendance So Important?

Above 97% Less than 6 days absence a year. Pupils with this attendance should achieve their full potential with the best grades at GCSE/GCE.
95% Less than 9 days absence in a year. Pupils are likely to achieve their potential at GCSE/GCE. New guidelines indicate that 95% attendance should be the minimum goal for every pupil.
90% 19 days absence over the year. Students are missing 4 weeks of school and may drop an exam grade. It will be difficult for them to achieve their best.
85% or less Persistent absence. Students are missing at least 6 weeks of school every year and this will have a significant impact on their exam grades.

Holidays during school time

Term time holidays can have a significant impact on achievement and progress, therefore our policy is not to authorise any, other than in the most exceptional circumstances. The fundamental principles for defining exceptional are rare, significant, unavoidable and short. By unavoidable we mean an event that could not reasonably be scheduled at another time.

If a student is removed from school for the purpose of a holiday during term time without authorisation we may ask the Local Authority to issue a Penalty Notice.

For further information please download a copy of our Attendance Policy.

Requests for leave of absence should be made in writing and addressed to the Deputy Head teacher - Pastoral and Safeguarding or the Attendance and Family Liaison Officer. Please be aware that all applications for leave of absence during term time must be made in advance.

Unacceptable absence/punctuality

We will not authorise absences for inappropriate reasons such as those set out below. Where there are instances of unauthorised absence then we may ask the Local Authority to issue parents with a warning letter or a Penalty Notice.

  • Truancy
  • Minding the house/staying in for repairs
  • Shopping
  • Attending sports events or pop concerts
  • Annual holidays
  • To do homework
  • To help with family business
  • Birthdays
  • School uniform in the wash
  • Looking after brothers or sisters
  • Oversleeping

Unexpected absence

If your child is absent from school you must let the Attendance and Family Liaison Officer know before 8.30 am on each day of absence by one of the following methods:

If you do not make contact, the absence will be marked as unauthorised and you will be contacted either by text, email or phone. 

Please be aware that medical evidence (such as a doctor’s note, appointment card or prescription) will now be required if your child is absent for 3 days or more. Failing to provide this evidence may result in a penalty notice being issued.


Students with high levels of attendance receive awards and rewards in assemblies and achievement assemblies, they will also automatically receive achievement points.

Where can I get help from?

If you are concerned about your child’s attendance then please do not hesitate to contact our Attendance and Family Liaison Officer on extension 139 who will be happy to help.